On the 6 th of April, the CPVO decided to grant this community plant variety right through its EU Decision No. 54903, which will expire on the 31 st of December, 2050. The intellectual property rights for Summer Prim that have been recently been recognised by this European Agency are valid throughout the European Union.
On the 8 th of April, the inclusion of this lemon variety in the Commercial Variety Register was published in the BOE (Official State Gazette). The plant varieties that have passed the technical tests are entered in this Register of the Spanish Plant Varieties Office. After that, they are incorporated into the EU Common Catalogue of varieties of agricultural plant species, so that they can be marketed throughout the EU without restrictions.
The characteristics of the Summer Prim lemon are exceptional. It is a top quality intense yellow colour lemon. It is an extra late ripening variety, which means that the Fino lemon campaign can be prolonged in the commercial calendar to the spring-summer period and by May its juice content reaches 50%. It has a deseasonalization of the Fino lemon with the subsequent commercial advantages.
The Compañía de Variedades Vegetales AIE (CVVP) manages this new protected lemon variety and it grants sublicenses to the farmers on behalf of its member New Lemon Company S.L, which is the exclusive licensee of Summer Prim in Spain.